Monday, August 10, 2009

A Succession of Littler Decisions

It's probably a good idea to take advantage of the free internet here at the Wellywood hostel - our home indefinitely until we can move into an apartment permanently.

Our flat-viewing yesterday went according to plan, but we ultimately decided that the place was far too small and a little too expensive for what we were after, despite a near perfect location right next to the city centre. However, it set us off on a positive note; no sooner were we off the ferry than we were proactively house-hunting. Given this encouraging start, we're now spending every spare minute looking around the internet, newspapers and building-side advertisements for suitable places. We have another two viewings this afternoon and with a little more work we can have several more over the course of the week, until we finally settle on somewhere.

We're facing all the standard hurdles as house-hunters in a city but with the added complications that we're not only foreigners in a strange country, but also not-quite-proper-adults-yet type people, for whom this is all a completely new challenge. I remain optomistic, though, and as long as we're calling people up to query properties or walking across town to different viewings, it feels like we're getting the job done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James and Emily

    Looks as though you are well into finding a place to live. We wish you well with that (no easy job) We were both out this morning when you may have called (flashing light/indistinct message on the answerphone). I guess if you're getting free internet it may have been you.

    Caroline has managed to get insurance for our trip to the house in Spain so we are moving forward with the arrangements although that is a little time off yet

    Good luck with the house hunting and hopefully we'll be able to connect soon.

    Dad and Caroline

