Thursday, August 27, 2009

oh blah-dee oh blah-dah life goes on..

Hullo loyal readers. Sorry for the delayed post but compared to life on the road, being settled is far less exciting: but great just the same, I'm liking Wellington more every day. Today I explored more of the Botanic Gardens which are about a ten minute walk from here and form a longer loop through the suburb of Kelburn. I walked along a winding path down a hill completely covered with rose bushes of various colo(u)rs. Another turn brought me to a grassy hill covered with daffodils. A sign warning me that thieves would be prosecuted stopped my greedy flower picking hands. It was refreshing to get out of the bustle of the city for a bit and great to have the garden so close by.

I've worked three shifts at Hotel Bristol so far, and it's going pretty well. There's a lot to learn on the register and I have yet to work a truly busy night, but its nothing my college educated mind can't handle. Half the staff looks like they just stepped off the rugby field, but everyone is really friendly and eager to welcome me to the "Bristol Family." I work my first day shift tomorrow which will be interesting considering I don't really know how to make coffee BUT i finally found out the difference between a flat white and a latte (a latte has more milk). I think a day shift will feel more familiar to this American waitress.

Jamie is the one at Hotel Bristol tonight- he's sitting in with the sound technician for the live music they host Thursday nights. If all goes well he will work as his substitute and potentially help him get in contact with some people in the sound engineering circuit.

Now it is time for a little taste of home-The Sex and the City movie!

1 comment:

  1. Flowers in the winter? I can see why you are liking Wellington!
