Thursday, July 23, 2009

City of Sails?

We arrived in Auckland today after what felt like days of travel. We dipped our feet in the Pacific during our layover in LA and technically 2 days later, we looked at that same ocean from our 19th floor hotel room in New Zealand's largest city.

We spent the day wandering around the city waiting for our hotel room to be ready and fighting off crankiness (me) and extreme exhaustion (probably me again). Walked east to Newmarket through the park near Auckland Museum full of really strange Dr. Suess looking trees that had roots that seemed to go for blocks. We sorted out some practical things such as phones and bank accounts and decided life in New Zealand is quite easy, especially since no one seemed to care that we would be staying in the country for 12 months with the "unemployed" box checked. OH and the airport used BEAGLES as drug dogs, very threatening...but it does go hand in hand with the very friendly dispositions of all service people we've interacted with. We finished the day with a nice meal at a very trendy Indonesian/thai/malaysian restaurant. yum.

All in all the day/days of travel make this Auckland arrival pretty surreal. Tomorrow will be spent letting it sink in after some much needed sleep.


  1. Hi Emily,
    I'm enjoying hearing of your trip so far..keep posting. Sooo exciting, make the most of it.

    It's just raining here anyway.......Heidi

  2. Glad to see you have made it. Hope the weather not too bad. It's absolutely belting down here. What's next on the itinery. Perhaps Tom will serve you well. New PC here so everything whizzing along
    Dad & Caroline

  3. Sounds like you are off to a fabulous start. Glad to hear you made it safetly and are enjoying everything so far. Have fun, be safe.
